Access keys

Access keys are a special function provided for users with physical disabilities, specifically motor skill difficulties, although they can also be of benefit to other users . Access keys are hidden links that enable users to bring focus to important parts of a web page, using the keyboard.

For example, you can always get quickly back to our home page by using Access Key 2 from anywhere in the website, and you can follow any link in our website by simply putting your cursor inside the linked text and pressing the 'Enter' key.

How to use access keys

Windows users

  • Alt + the access key number brings focus to the element (e.g., hold down the 'Alt' key and press '2' to return to the home page).
  • For linked text, put your cursor inside the linked section and press the Enter key to take you to the link destination.

Macintosh users

  • Control + access key number focus to the element (e.g., hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '2' to return to the home page).
  • For linked text, put your cursor inside the linked section and press the Enter key to take you to the link destination.

Available access keys

All Queensland Government websites use a consistent set of defined access keys, as defined by the Queensland Government Consistent User Experience:

  • 1: Queensland Government Gateway
  • 2: Home page
  • 3: Site map
  • 4: Contact us
  • 5: Search field (focus on the input field)
  • 0: Access keys help (this page).