Respond to child abuse

Child Safety Services is the lead child protection agency in Queensland and is required by law to ensure that children and young people are safe from abuse, neglect and harm in their homes.

When we receive information about harm or risk of harm to a child or young person up to 18 years of age, and suspect that they may require protection, our child safety officers will complete an investigation and assessment to determine the ongoing safety of the child.

Our role in protecting children and young people is to:

  • investigate and assess concerns that a child or young person has been harmed or is at risk of significant harm
  • provide ongoing services to children and young people who are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing significant harm.

Child safety officers conduct thorough investigations and assessments to determine the protection and care needs of children and young people.

In deciding if a child is in need of protection, child safety officers will determine whether:

  • the child or young person has suffered significant harm, is suffering significant harm, or is at risk of suffering significant harm
  • does not have a parent or carer able and willing to protect them from harm.

If a child or young person's parents are unable or unwilling to protect them, we will provide help and support for the child, young person and their family.

  • Moving a child to a safe place

    When Child Safety Services needs to move a child or young person to a place of safety.

  • Investigation and assessment

    The purpose of an investigation and assessment is to: investigate concerns received about harm and risk of harm.

  • Care agreements

    A Care agreement is an agreement between our department and parents to place their child or young person with an approved carer for a short period of time.

  • What you can expect

    What you can expect from staff of Child Safety Services during home visits and interviews.