Residential Transition of Older Queenslanders

The Queensland Government appointed an Advisory Taskforce on Residential Transition of Older Queenslanders to explore emerging issues in meeting the housing and related needs of older people.

The primary focus of the Taskforce was to make recommendations to address gaps in housing supply and related support needs of older people.

The Taskforce delivered 21 key recommendations in the Final report of the Residential Transition of Older Queenslanders (PDF, 4.7 MB) Residential Transition of Older Queenslanders (DOCX, 4.3 MB).

The Taskforce report informed the Government of the emerging housing and related needs of older people. By responding to these needs, as reflected in the Government Response (PDF, 829 KB) Government Response (RTF, 231 KB), the Queensland Government will facilitate a more age-friendly Queensland where older Queenslanders can retain their independence into their senior years and control how and where they live.

A number of Taskforce recommendations have been incorporated in the Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027 and are being operationalised through the Strategy.

The Queensland Government has accepted the 21 recommendations made in the report with 18 recommendations fully supported and three supported in principle.

Report Card

In June 2019, The Premier approved the public release of the Residential Transition for Ageing Queenslanders Report Card (PDF, 220 KB) Residential Transition for Ageing Queenslanders Report Card (DOCX, 18 KB)2018 and the Implementation Schedule 2017-19 (PDF, 265 KB) Implementation Schedule 2017-19 (DOCX, 14 KB).

Ongoing implementation of actions will be delivered through the Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027.